Breaking the Silence: Addressing Social Isolation in the Elderly


Penulis Armayani. S. Kep.Ns.M.Kes, P.hD, Prof. Dr. Faridah Mohd Said,

Assoc. Prof Dr. Nisha Nambia

Institusi Universitas Mandala Waluya
Bidang Ilmu Keperawatan, Kesehatan
Ukuran 25 x 17,5 cm
Halaman iv, 88
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun 2024



The book titled “Breaking the Silence: Addressing Social Isolation in the Elderly” delves into the multifaceted issue of social isolation experienced by elderly individuals. It explores the psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of isolation, emphasizing how various interventions can mitigate the adverse effects of this condition.

The book provides a comprehensive analysis of social isolation theory, linking it to cultural practices such as dance, music, and physical touch. It highlights how these cultural expressions can serve as therapeutic interventions, fostering social connections and improving the overall well-being of the elderly. Dance therapy, for example, is portrayed as a powerful tool that not only enhances physical health but also facilitates emotional and social integration. Similarly, music therapy is presented as an effective method for reducing feelings of loneliness and encouraging social engagement.

Moreover, the book discusses the importance of physical contact, such as hand-holding, in strengthening social bonds and reducing feelings of isolation. It also examines the role of psychomotor activities in improving cognitive functions and their potential to alleviate social isolation.

This bookoffers valuable insights for practitioners, caregivers, and policymakers, providing practical strategies to address social isolation among the elderly. By emphasizing the significance of cultural and social interventions, the book advocates for a holistic approach to enhancing the quality of life for older adults, ensuring they remain connected and engaged with their communities.


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